1463 0
SUM and JOIN 2 columns with different tables but do not SUM Qty

Good day!

Need help to SUM and JOIN 2 columns with different tables but do no want to SUM qty and duplicates row result

here's the sample data tables;


Transfer Shipment table;

TransTO - TransFROM -  ItemNo   -   Desc   -   Desc2   -   VariantCode   -   Qty

Location1      HO                Item01         Active      Black         Variant01             5           <------ Delivery

Location1      HO                 Item01         Active      Black        Variant01             5           <------ Delivery

HO                Location1       Item01         Active     Black        Variant01             2          <------ Pull-out

HO                Location1       Item01         Active      Black       Variant01             1            <------ Pull-out


Sales Entry table;

Loc Code   -   Item No   -   Variant Code   -   Qty

Location1       Item01          Variant01            -1       <------ PSales

Location1       Item01          Variant01            -1       <------ PSales


Item Entry table;

Loc Code   -   Item No   -   Desc   -   Desc2- VariantCode-   Qty - EntryType  - DocNo

Location1       Item01         Active     Black         Variant01      4         2           ItemAdj0001   <------ PAdj

Location1       Item01         Active     Black         Variant01      1          2           StrAdj0001       <------ PAdj

Location1       Item01         Active     Black         Variant01     -1          1           MSales0001     <------ MSales

Location1       Item01         Active     Black         Variant01     -1           1           MSales0002     <------ MSales

Location1       Item01         Active     Black         Variant01     -1          3           LocAdj0005      <------ NAdj

Location1       Item01         Active     Black         Variant01     -1          3           BtqAdj0008      <------ NAdj


SUM and JOIN (the sql query result should be like this)

Loc Code  - Item No - Desc  - Desc2 -VarCode- Delivery -PAdj- Pull-out - PSales - MSales - NAdj  -  Total

Location1    Item01   Active    Black   Variant01     10            5           3             -2             -2         -2            6


here's my sql query code;

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