31291 0
Token based authentication in C# using Web API
In this article, I have explained how you can create token based authentication in C# using Web API, step by step with an example.
17395 2
How can I return Images from Web API in ASP.NET?


I haven't used much of the Web API as of now, so I was thinking how can I return Web API from API controller in ASP.NET?

Any Code sample, links?


8188 1
Quick Tip to convert JSON into class object
After reading this article, you can easily convert JSON into class using Visual Studio in-built feature.
7628 0
Top ASP.NET Web API Interview questions and answers
In this article, I have provided various web api interview questions for junior to senior level of developers, which can help all api developers to learn and improve there skills.
5943 2
How to use jQuery datatable with Web API in MVC? want to implement CRUD, searching and sorting

I want to implement jquery datatable(With Displaying data, edit, delete, search, sort and paging should be there) with Web API and MVC

I had previously implemented jquery data table with asp.net MVC and it was working, but when I was started using jQuery Datatable with web API, I wasn't able to implement CRUD with searching and pagination in it.

If there are any links or sample code, please provide me for reference.

thanks and regards

G.Ram Mohan


5371 0
Web API tutorial for beginners
Article give's brief idea of Web API and how to use it in Asp.NET MVC C#
4922 0
Get Vs post in Rest API
In this article, I have provided details about post vs get rest api or you can difference between GET and POST, so you can understand when to use which type.
4887 2
How do I enable CORS in C# web-api 2?

I have read and implemented "Token based authentication in C# using Web API" in my web-api project, now, I would like to enable CORS in my web-api so anyone can access api from different domain also. How can enable CORS in web-api?

3899 0
Create Web-API in Visual Studio 2022 Step by Step
In this article, I have mentioned step by step procedure to create web-api in Visual studio using .NET Core and calling it using jQuery.
3036 3
PUT vs POST in RESTful services?

Hello, I would like to know the difference between PUT & POST in Restful services.

As I am using Web API, I feel put and post are same or almost same but doesn't have any idea about when to which one.


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