I seriously ask this question.
Books for networking/security I purchased yesterday:
I'm planning to buy
I'm wondering what books/courses are actually good and worth purchasing? Please recommend. I'm a backend developer. I don't need language specific books. I love textbooks.
...Hello, I am working with Typescript in Visual Studio IDE, but I am not sure which Typescript version I am using, so how can I check Typescript version in Visual Studio IDE?
int main()
int *p;
p=(int *) malloc(4);
printf("Insufficient memory");
printf("Enter a number\n");
printf("Value of p=%d",*p);
1) What happens in background when we do int *p? Can you show a figure about what it does in memory?
2) What happens in memory "p=(int *) malloc(4);" when we run this line? In surface, I've rote memorized, it allocates 4 bytes of memory, but I don't know in detail what happens in background.
3) printf("Enter a number\n");
I need to store a number in address of p, so should not I do &p instead of just p?
4) Value of p=p isn't it? Why *p? I've again rote memorized *p gives value of p, but I'm not clear about what's going inside memory during this all.
I'm asking these questions knowing I'm wrong because I've tested the code in codeblocks already. It's not to get the correct answer but a way to think to get a correct answer.
If we'd done;
int x=10;
int *p=&x;
I'd understand what's being done here.
It means content of p is initialzed with address of x. Like this:
but I don't understand the above case that I mentioned in question where we are only doing int *p. I find it meaningless. p is a pointer variable. But it contains whose address?
...Create implement Virtual Scroll asp net mvc . Thank you
...I want to create a table in the following format image below. If there is another way than using table . please guide . thank you
Get location name from latitude and longitude in .net.
without any api keys.
...When sending data to front-end from back-end, how can I pass JSON string with quotes, so how can I escape quotes in json? So I can pass JSON as below
...I have just started using Visual Studio Code and not sure what is the keyboard shortcut for expand-collapse or fold-unfold sections of code in VS Code? Can you help me with that.
...I am working XML document recently, I am thinking to add comments in some section of XML document, so I would like to know easy way to add comments in XML Document.