How to create XML document using XDocument in C#?

Hello, I need to add some data in XML file by programmatically creating it using C# and XDocument, so how I will create it?

For example, Suppose if I need output like below in XML

   <name filename="XMLSample"/>
     <data value="Value1"/> 
     <data value="Value2"/>
     <data value="Value3"/>

Any link or Code sample?


Asked by:- Sam
: 14046 At:- 4/7/2018 12:05:41 PM
C# ASP.NET XML Xdocument

2 Answers
profileImage Answered by:- pika

You can create the XML file using Linq to XML (XDocument) in C# like below

 XDocument document = new XDocument(
            new XDeclaration("0.1", "utf-8", "yes"),
            new XElement("NewFile",
              new XElement("name",new XAttribute("filename", "XMLSample")),
                new XElement("MainInfo",
                   new XElement("data", new XAttribute("value", "Value1")),
                   new XElement("data",new XAttribute("value", "Value2")),
                   new XElement("data", new XAttribute("value", "Value3"))



as you see in the above code XElement create a new element in your XML doc, while XAttribute("dataName","Value") create attributes and value of the node.


XML-file-create-using-XDocument -in-c-sharp.png

Another Way

If you have a list of data and you need to convert it into XML attribute you can use generate the same XML like above using below C# code also

List<string> list = new List<string>
                    "Value1", "Value2", "Value3"

            XDocument document = new XDocument(
            new XDeclaration("0.1", "utf-8", "yes"),
            new XElement("NewFile",
              new XElement("name",new XAttribute("filename", "XMLSample")),
                new XElement("MainInfo",
                    list.Select(x => new XElement("data", new XAttribute("value", x)))



That's it.

At:- 4/7/2018 5:48:36 PM
Thanks for the perfect answer 0
By : Sam - at :- 4/12/2018 1:13:16 PM

profileImage Answered by:- bhanu

XmlWriter is the fastest way to write good XML,but if you want to do it using XDocument, you can simply do this

    new XElement("Foo",
        new XAttribute("Bar", "some & value"),
        new XElement("Nested", "data")));

There is more detailed description of creating XML in C#, you can check here

Create XML document using C# (Console Application example)

Or you can also check about open and read XML in C#.

At:- 4/8/2021 11:04:47 AM

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