FB page Login Failure. Unsuccessful login with service when using OAuth in MVC

Hi, I want to login with  facebook account from my website MVC4 razor c# and add permissions for a FB user and for a FB page. I was found this article and try to do the same https://github.com/aspnet/Docs/blob/master/aspnet/mvc/overview/older-versions/using-oauth-providers-with-mvc.md

but I'm facing this error :  Login Failure. Unsuccessful login with service.

What does this error means and how can resolve that problem. Thanks.

Asked by:- LuneAgile
: 3801 At:- 7/27/2018 12:57:19 AM
ASP.NET Facebook-login token access

5 Answers
profileImage Answered by:- vikas_jk

Looking at the image I think you are missing re-directing URL, but take a look at this link


It is for Java developers but first section explains setp by step on how to register app on facebook.

At:- 7/27/2018 3:55:27 PM

profileImage Answered by:- vikas_jk

Please always mention complete error details with your Current code so other users can understand your issue.

As per your current description trying checking these links



If you want better guide to add OAuth login for Facebook, google in your MVC application, read this article


You may have not registered application properly on facebook or inside your Application using OAuth.

At:- 7/27/2018 9:35:47 AM

profileImage Answered by:- LuneAgile

Thanks Vikas You are right I'm not able to  registered application properly on facebook This is the picture below Please can you told me how we can fill it Thanks . I'm working with Visual web developer  2010 Express  and localhost I don't have a website online.


At:- 7/27/2018 11:47:07 AM Updated at:- 7/27/2018 11:49:02 AM

profileImage Answered by:- LuneAgile

Thanks Vikas we can also use this article it very nice ..


At:- 7/27/2018 4:09:04 PM

profileImage Answered by:- LuneAgile

Hi vikas I have set a redirect url please take a look at below picture :

leave app domain empty
website url empty
go to app->settings->advance settings
here is a field
Valid OAuth redirect URIs

fill it

It work now  . Thanks. 

At:- 7/27/2018 4:53:51 PM
Thanks for letting us know and commenting here. 0
By : vikas_jk - at :- 7/28/2018 8:28:39 AM

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