Error: Requires either publish_to_groups permission and app being installed in the group, or manage_pages and publish_pages.. when posting on facebook pages using Graph API explorer

Hi, I want to test if I can post from my app under facebook developer to my page facebook (my manager page) please look below image.

But I have got this error message as shown below

  "error": {
    "message": "(#200) Requires either publish_to_groups permission and app being installed in the group, or manage_pages and publish_pages as an admin with sufficient administrative permission",
    "type": "OAuthException",
    "code": 200,
    "fbtrace_id": "


how can I resolve that. Thanks in advance.

Asked by:- LuneAgile
: 7682 At:- 8/28/2018 1:02:58 PM
ASP.NET facebook-api Graph API explorer

2 Answers
profileImage Answered by:- vikas_jk

You cannot directly post to facebook pages without granting permissions from Facebook using App review.(Granting user as "Admin" rights is not enough)

After creating Facebook login app, you need more access rights from facebook (which are n't granted automatically), you need to request permissions for it, it requires App review.

Read the following links for more details

Once you have got the permissions, use this link for refernce to post on page.

At:- 8/28/2018 4:07:50 PM
Answer marked as correct . Thanks Vikas 0
By : LuneAgile - at :- 8/30/2018 2:16:28 PM

profileImage Answered by:- LuneAgile

Hi, Vikas_jk  Thanks so much . I have tried what you say to me.  please see the below picture. Thanks.

But after 5 min I have get this alert :

App Review
TestFado has been submitted by Dev Fado and is now pending review. Please visit the App Review tab for additional details or to cancel your submission.
Please what mean that.
Thanks in advance.
At:- 8/29/2018 12:27:50 AM Updated at:- 8/29/2018 10:12:57 AM
It will be reviewed and you may accept that rights after that 1
By : Vinnu - at :- 8/29/2018 11:37:27 AM
If a answer helped you do not down vote it, please upvote it and mark it as answer 1
By : Vinnu - at :- 8/29/2018 11:38:17 AM
thanks so much. 0
By : LuneAgile - at :- 8/29/2018 2:01:18 PM
I want like your answar and maked as correct answar but it show me that : You can not like/dislike/report same answer, you can use these once per question/comment/answer . 0
By : LuneAgile - at :- 8/29/2018 2:05:33 PM

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