How to add authorization header in postman?

Hello, I have read this post Upload or Send File in Postman but now I want to add authorization token also, before sending request in Postman? So how can I add authorization header in postman? I have generated token using simply GET request.

Asked by:- jaya
: 2457 At:- 6/21/2022 8:46:12 AM
API add authorization header in postman

1 Answers
profileImage Answered by:- vikas_jk

When sending request in Postman to call an API, there is a tab named "Header", select it and then add your key name, for example "Authorization" and then it's value in "Value" field.

As shown here.


Then you are done.


If you want to send same header with Every request in Postman, then simply

Use "{{authorization}}" in value and then you can click on it -> Select "Add new variable", to add it''s global value


That's it, hope it helps.

At:- 6/21/2022 9:02:40 AM
Thanks for GIF image, it is helpful. 0
By : jaya - at :- 6/21/2022 9:04:44 AM

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