What is Eclipse Comment shortcut?

I am new to java programming and Eclipse, so I would like to know how can I comment or uncomment Java and HTML Code shortcut in Eclipse IDE using Keyboard shortcuts, easily and quickly.

Asked by:- jon
: 1041 At:- 10/25/2022 8:16:23 AM
Java Eclipse Comment shortcut eclipse uncomment shortcut

1 Answers
profileImage Answered by:- vikas_jk

Eclipse Comment/Uncomment shortcut in Windows

  • For single line Java code comment and uncomment: Ctrl + / (Forward Slash)

  • For multiple line Java code comment: Ctrl + Shift + / (Forward Slash) and Multiline uncomment : Ctrl + Shift + \ (Backslash)

  • For single line HTML code comment/uncomment: Ctrl + Shift + c

  • For multiple line HTML code comment: Ctrl + Shift + / (Forward Slash)

  • For multiple uncomment: Ctrl + Shift + \ (Backward Slash)

Eclipse Comment/Uncomment shortcut in Mac

  • On Mac/OS X you can use ? + / to comment out single lines or selected blocks.

Note: You can also open all all shortcut list using Ctrl + Shift + L


At:- 10/25/2022 8:24:51 AM
Thanks, that was really helpful. 0
By : jon - at :- 10/25/2022 8:28:39 AM

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