How to change Python version in Visual Studio (VS) Code?

Hello, I am new to python and using Visual Studio Code to execute Python code, but I wanted to know how can I change Python version in Visual Studio (VS) Code and from where I can see which version I am using?

Asked by:- Vinnu
: 2781 At:- 12/9/2022 9:04:00 AM
Python change Python version in Visual Studio (VS) Code

1 Answers
profileImage Answered by:- vikas_jk

To change python version in VS code or to view python version, simply follow these steps:

  • Open VS Code
  • Navigate to "View" -> Select "Command palette"
  • Select from the command palette 'Python: Select Interpreter'.
  • You will see Python Version which you are using

Here is what I see in my VS Code, when follow above steps:


As I have only 1 Python versions (3.9.7), I can see it only, if you have multiple versions installed on your PC you will see it here.

At:- 12/9/2022 9:14:50 AM
Useful and easy answer, it helped me as needed, thanks 0
By : jon - at :- 12/23/2022 7:36:58 AM

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