
How to give dynamic margin in RDLC report

How i can give dynamic margin to the rdlc report in ASP.NET C#?

I have tried this code but it is not working.......

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Error "Connection was established with server but error occurred during login process" SSMS

When I am trying to login into my local database server using SQL server management studio, I am getting an error, as shown below

A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. 
(provider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe.) 


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How to align element to bottom using Flexbox?

I am using flex based layout in my HTML / CSS based layout, now I want to align a button at bottom of flexbox based div. Parent div of button has flex based CSS property.

Consider below image, I want to push "Select" button at bottom of main div, so how can I do it?


Here is the HTML

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How to enable full text search on SQL Server database?

I have already created SQL Server database, but when I am trying to run a query that requires full-text search enabled database, it is not working and throwing error

Cannot use a CONTAINS or FREETEXT predicate on table or indexed view 'tblLocation' because it is not full-text indexed.

So, how can I enable full-text index to remove above error?

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How to get query string from url using jQuery or Javascript?

Hello, I would like to fetch query string from url on page-load using jQuery or javascript, then how can I do it, suppose below is my website URL

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Want to convert infix to postfix in C but getting error empty stack

I write a C code to convert infix expression to postfix expression. The expression may include '^' , "+", "-" , "/", "*" and all three types of brackets i.e." ({[ ". The code should first check whether the brackets are balanced or not and then do the conversion. But the code is showing an empty stack at the output.

Here is my sample code

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How to enable JavaScript debugging in visual studio 2019 or 2017

How Can I enable Javascript debugging in Chrome using Visual Studio 2017 or 2019? I have been using Visual Studio 2017, but I am not able to debug Javascript code by placing debug in the Visual Studio Javascript code.

So, how can I achieve it and check line by line output of the Javascript code? I have checked this article ("How to debug in visual studio? ( Tutorial to debug C# code )") but it shows debugging C# code in Visual Studio.

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Can anybody help me to convert a infix expression into a postfix expression which deals with all three brackets i.e. ({[ in c language?

This is the pseudo code. Create a function that takes an infix expression as input and converts it to a postfix expression. It should  

take pointers to two strings as input; one containing the infix expression, and second to which this

function will write the postfix expression i.e. the declaration should be

void infixToPostfix(char *infix, char *postfix, int str_size);

The algorithm is as follows:

Iterate over the infix expression’s string. For each character c,

• If c is an operand, concatenate it with the postfix expression.

• If c is an operator, check if top of stack, say m, is an operator. If so, check if the operator

precedence of m is higher or equal to the operator precedence of c; if yes, concatenate m with

postfix expression, and pop it from the stack. Keep doing this until the top of stack is not an

operator with operator precedence higher or equal to the operator precedence of c. Then push

c on the stack.

• After completely processing input expression, TopAndPop remaining operators from stack and

concatenate each with postfix expression, in the order they are popped.

You can perform string concatenation using strcat().

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How do I clear local storage using javascript?

Hello, I am able to add localStorage using Item keys using Javascript, with below sample code

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How to rename a file and directory in C#?

I am working with files and directory in C#, so I would like to know how can I rename a file and directory in C#? I would like to rename file first and then in some cases would have to rename directory also.

I see there is File.Move Method, but is there any other method or way to rename a file and what about Directory, how to rename directory?

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