Using a Hub instance not created by the HubPipeline is unsupported.

Hello, I am trying to call SignalR method from C# controller in MVC, but I am getting this error

Using a Hub instance not created by the HubPipeline is unsupported.

Here is the image of the error

Using a Hub instance not created by the HubPipeline is unsupported

The C# code using which I am using to Call it is

var broadcast = new chatHub();
broadcast.SendMessage("Here is your Message");

How can I resolve this issue using SignalR in ASP.NET MVC?

Asked by:- pika
: 10475 At:- 9/4/2017 7:58:30 AM
asp-net mvc signalr

1 Answers
profileImage Answered by:- Vipin

This is not the correct way for calling SignalR, it is described here in more detail at

It should be something like this

var broadcast = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<chatHub>();
broadcast.Clients.All.SendMessage("Here is your Message");

Clients.All should address every client that is currently connected to the Hub

At:- 9/5/2017 11:59:19 AM
thanks, I have already solved the query, but as your above answer is correct, so marked it as correct :) 0
By : pika - at :- 12/29/2017 8:10:02 AM

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