In the previous article, I have explained Linked list & linked list program in C with Algorithm, so if you want to learn about the linked list in details, you can read that article, before proceeding to this one.

Sorting linked list program in C

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <conio.h> 
#include <malloc.h>

  struct node {
    int data;
    struct node * next;
  // decalre all functions
struct node * start = NULL;
struct node * create_ll(struct node * );
struct node * display(struct node * );

struct node *sort_list(struct node *);

void main() {
  int option;
  do {
    printf("\n\n *****MAIN MENU *****");
    printf("\n 1: Create a list");
    printf("\n 2: Display the list");
    printf("\n 3: Sort linked list");
    printf("\n 4: EXIT");
    printf("\n\n Enter your option : ");
    scanf("%d", &option);
    switch (option) {
    case 1:
      start = create_ll(start);
      printf("\n Linked List Created");
    case 2:
      start = display(start);
    case 3: 
     printf("\n Sorted linked list data");
      start = sort_list(start);
  } while (option != 4);

//Create linked list function
//it will keep asking for data until -1 is entered
struct node * create_ll(struct node * start) {
  struct node * new_node, * ptr;
  int num;
  printf("\n Enter -1 to end");
  printf("\n Enter the data: ");
  scanf("%d", & num);
  while (num != -1) {
    new_node = (struct node * ) malloc(sizeof(struct node));
    new_node -> data = num;
    if (start == NULL) {
      new_node -> next = NULL;
      start = new_node;
    } else {
      ptr = start;
      while (ptr -> next != NULL)
        ptr = ptr -> next;
      ptr -> next = new_node;
      new_node -> next = NULL;
    printf("\n Enter the data : ");
    scanf("%d", & num);
  return start;

//display linked list data 
//after looping it from start until NULL
struct node * display(struct node * start) {
  struct node * ptr;
  ptr = start;
  while (ptr != NULL) {
    printf("\t %d", ptr -> data);
    ptr = ptr -> next;
  return start;

//sorting linked list code

struct node *sort_list(struct node *start)
    struct node *ptr1, *ptr2;
    int temp;
    ptr1 = start;
    while(ptr1 -> next != NULL)
     ptr2 = ptr1 -> next;
         while(ptr2 != NULL)
             if(ptr1 -> data > ptr2 -> data)
             temp = ptr1 -> data;
             ptr1 -> data = ptr2 -> data;
             ptr2 -> data = temp;
         ptr2 = ptr2 -> next;
     ptr1 = ptr1 -> next;
return start; // Had to be added

In above code, to sort linked list, we are ptr -> data to compare adjacent values, if left value is greater than right, we interchange the positions.

We are following this procedure for complete list by using while loop.

Output: (

 *****MAIN MENU *****
 1: Create a list
 2: Display the list
 3: Sort linked list
 4: EXIT

 Enter your option : 1

 Enter -1 to end
 Enter the data: 22

 Enter the data : 6

 Enter the data : 8

 Enter the data : 45

 Enter the data : -1

 Linked List Created

 *****MAIN MENU *****
 1: Create a list
 2: Display the list
 3: Sort linked list
 4: EXIT

 Enter your option : 2
	 22	 6	 8	 45

 *****MAIN MENU *****
 1: Create a list
 2: Display the list
 3: Sort linked list
 4: EXIT

 Enter your option : 3

 Sorted linked list data

 *****MAIN MENU *****
 1: Create a list
 2: Display the list
 3: Sort linked list
 4: EXIT

 Enter your option : 2
	 6	 8	 22	 45

 *****MAIN MENU *****
 1: Create a list
 2: Display the list
 3: Sort linked list
 4: EXIT

 Enter your option : 4


You may also like:

Linked list program in C (Algorithm & Code sample)

Program & algorithm for Quick sort in C

Stack Program in C (Concept, Algorithm & C program example)

That's it, as you can see first we are creating the linked list and then sorting it.