In SQL Server, GO is not Transact-SQL statements, but signals the end of a batch of Transact-SQL statements to the SQL Server utilities, so in this article, I have mentioned how to use Go in SQL Server with example.

SQL Server utilities interpret GO as a signal that they should send the current batch of Transact-SQL statements to an instance of SQL Server.

A Transact-SQL statement cannot occupy the same line as a GO command.

So, from the above details we can understand that GO statement is used as a Batch separator in SQL Server and used by client tools (like SSMS) to break the entire script up into batches

A batch is nothing but one or more SQL Server statements sent to the SQL Server engine as one set of statements.

GO Statement can also be used to execute a batch of T-Sql statements multiple times.

Let us understand GO statement with a few examples:

DECLARE @Name NVARCHAR(50) = 'Vikram'
SELECT @Name AS 'Name'
GO -- Go statement seperate batches of command

DECLARE @Name NVARCHAR(50) = 'Vikas'
SELECT @Name AS 'Name'



As you can see from the above SQL Query, we have declared 2 @Name but still above query works fine, since, we have seperated Query using "GO" statement, so GO separates the query as batches.

We can take a look at another similar example, in which we will declare a variable before GO statement and then use it after GO statement, it will throw error because GO separates the query.

SELECT @Name = 'Vikram'  
GO -- @Name is not valid after this GO ends the batch.  
-- Yields an error because @Name not declared in this batch.  
PRINT @Name  
-- Error message "Must declare the scalar variable "@Name"."

Another example:

-- Will Give Error, as ; is not permitted after GO  
-- Error Incorrect syntax near 'GO'.

The above Query will give an error as we cannot use a semicolon(;) as a statement terminator after GO.

Execute T-SQL multiple times using GO Statement

Another useful function of GO Statement is that it can be used to execute the same SQL commands multiple times.

As GO statement also has an integer optional parameter, this parameter value signals Sql Server to execute the batch of T-Sql Statement prior to the GO statement being executed for the specified number of times.


GO 2  -- Execute above commands twice



One of the important things to note here is, GO cannot be used inside T-SQL Query, or you can say within Stored Procedure/functions/views etc

So this is not a valid query

    SELECT 'Vikram'
    GO  -- Error incorrect syntax near GO
    SELECT 'Vikas'

That's it, hope this articles clear details related to GO statement.

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