4503 1
The type of one of the primary key values did not match the type defined in the entity


I am trying to fill a dropdown list with the values of my tables. I don't need all of the values so I have to use a "where" clause

here is my code

4426 0
Best .NET APM tools to consider for your .NET application
In this article, I have provided a list of best .net or .net core APM tools which a developer or technical lead of team should consider using in his .NET application
4347 2
how to save Excel data into database using MVC C#?

I need some help in my asp.net MVC web-application, how can I Upload an excel file and extract or save(import) excel file data into my MS SQL server database using asp.net MVC and C#?

Any reference link or code will help, as I want to perform both uploading a file and saving its data into database, any combined solution will work


4293 1
Getting error (500 internal server) while fetching JSON, when more than 1000 rows is returned from database?

1. I want to fetch some data from DB (parameters false ,true,some id(e.g.: 30245)) Following is function written in controller :

4284 0
Large file upload with Progress bar in ASP.NET Core (using Tus)
In this article, I have explained how we can upload large files in ASP.NET Core MVC C# project with progress bar using Tus

4283 1
Dynamically Create Grid View on another Gridview row Index

Hello Guys !!

Actually, My Requirement is to create a Gridview dynamically and bind data in grid view and generating another gridview same time on the previous grid view row again and again...

1.Binding Gridview Dynamically from code Behind In asp.net from database table

2.Generating another Gridview on from above gridview row index if data find.

My Code

4276 1
how to improve performance of ASP.NET MVC application?

I would like to know methods to improve performance of asp.net MVC web application? To get better score on Google Page Insights

Thank you

4251 0
Treeview in ASP.NET Core MVC
In this article, I have provided step by step procedure to create treeview in ASP.NET Core MVC using jsTree.
4224 0
Difference between AddTransient, AddScoped and AddSingleton in ASP.NET Core
In this article, I have provided answer to question, what is difference between AddTransient, AddScoped and AddSingleton in ASP.NET Core
4131 2
PagedList in BootStrap pop-up Modal using Asp.Net CORE MVC

I am showing some data in modal pop-up using BootStrap .Basically I am using for each loop for displaying Data. So I would like to know, How To apply paging in these scenario using PagedList asp net core mvc or any other plugin in pop-up modal.

thank you


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