11128 7
How to create monthly attendance sheet with MVC?

I want to display a monthly attendance sheet using the below SQL tables:


this is the attendance table.


this is the employee table.

Here is the image of the output, which I need in the view


And here is the current C# Code for the action is:

8374 2
Create dynamic month/year calendar attendance sheet in .NET MVC

Suppose I have a database table of 5 employees. I also have the attendance of those employees(Present and Absent data). I know how to use the fullcalendar.js. But what I want is, I want a fullcalendar esce monthly attendace sheet like below one with changable month and year. Is it possible?


7440 1
Validate Coupon code in asp.net by Calling WebMethod using javascript or jQuery

I need help to calculate resulted amount after applying coupon code, the thing is when user enter the coupon code, it can be of two type 0/1, suppose this is the table

Voucher Code









Now if the Off_type is 1, then Amount to be deducted should be as rupees, and if Off_type 0, then amount to be deducted should be percent of total.

For example: If total amount(without discount) is 100, and Coupon code is "Demo", then after discount total amount to be paid will be 90, as 100 - 10% Of (Total) =90

So I am not able to implement this functionality using jQuery and WebMethod, here is my current code


10862 2
How to get Image from Controller in MVC and display it as Profile pic in layout.cshtml?

Hi, I would like to know how can I return Image from MVC controller using C#?

Actually I would like to get image and show it on _layout.cshtml page as profile pic when user is Logged in, something like below code


11323 3
Best extension to convert C# Class to Typescript Interface Class

Hi, i just wanted to seek advice what is the best extension to reuse and convert my C# Class to Typescript Interface Class without coding it again. 

I've seen many extesions out there. Just copy and paste and it will produce typescript class, but I don't know what is the best of them. I also want a converter that convert accurately. Thanks, Happy Coding! :)

3602 1
Save User Workflow in ASP.NET C# by showing workflow charts in javascript HTML

Hi guys, i just wanted to know how can i make a workflow like in sharepoint (not necessarily like that but the logic behind that).

In my example, let say i have a process on my website which is to tell if my request will going to be approve or not. Let say, the user requested an approval 

but it will go through to 5 steps (depend on how many steps i create) before his/her request to be approved. In each steps there is yes or no (disapprove or approve). Now, how can i make diagram of it in javascript, html and css to visualize the user where his/her request going on. Then save those workflow and steps in database. So i can update the status of his/her request. 

Thanks, Happy Coding!


4285 5
Display google pie Chart data per record in MVC

I have a survey in my MVC app and I need to display its results to a pie chart. This is what I have done by so far (according to this)

I would like to ask if it possible to bring the data for my Survey Model

6664 2
Error "Entity Framework: Store update, insert, or delete statement affected an unexpected number of rows (0)"

Hello, I am using Entity framework in my asp.net MVC project, when I try to delete any row using Entity framework, I am getting following error

8583 1
Clicking on browser back button after login shows login page again??

How can I maintain the session of the user in ASP.NET MVC? Here is the login case for the user. (Only authenticated users are allowed to login in the system.) But once the user gets logged in and press the back button then the user needs to login again. I want to solve this issue. Can anyone have idea about it?


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