3255 1
Extract String between two string in C#?

Hello, I want simple and easy solution to extract or get string between two strings in C#, so for example I have string "Hello World, I am .NET developer", I need output as "I am" only.

How can i do it in simple and fast way? Thanks

2830 0
Remove All WhiteSpace from string in C# (Multiple Methods)
In this article, I have provided working example to remove all whitespace from string or trim spaces between characters in C#.
8987 0
How to get file extension or file size in C# ? ( Code With Example )
In this tutorial article, I have provided sample code with examples, which shows how to get file extension from file name and file size in C#
23106 0
How to read pdf file in C#? (Working example using iTextSharp)
In this article, I will provide you code and working example to read pdf file using itextsharp in C#, using console application example, you can use it in ASP.NET also.
12860 2
Read file in C# (Text file .NET and .NET Core example)
In this article, I have explained and provided code to read text file in C# ( line by line or complete text file into string) using Console application example in .NET Framework and .NET Core.

21127 2
Generate Class from XSD in C# (Using CMD or Visual Studio)
In this article, I have explained an easy way to generate class file from XSD in C# using XSD.exe in command prompt or using Visual Studio.
4127 0
Convert String to List in C# and string array to list
In this article, I have provided sample code to convert comma separated string into list using C# or convert string array into list in C# console application.
4518 0
Convert List to string in C# (Comma-separated, New-Line)
In this article, I have provided example to convert List into comma-separated string or New line separated using C#.
1436 1
A C# code for database replication between two remote machines

I am a C# newbie, I was trying to create a desktop application for merge replication between server and client using sql server. But I don't know how to go about it. 

4055 1
Visual Studio Code Intellisense (autocomplete) not working

I am trying to use Visual Studio Code instead of Visual Studio for a C# project, but Visual Studio code Intellisense (Autocomplete) suggestion is not working correctly, and doesn't show any suggestions when using Ctrl+Space, shortcut.

What can be the issues? Any suggestions, thanks.


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