6726 0
Useful and amazing jQuery table plugins to use in web-applications
In this article, I have provided list of very useful and amazing jquery table plugins which a developer can use in web-applications to make development easier.
6509 2
How to trigger click on pressing Enter key inside text input using Javascript or jQuery?

How to trigger the click event on the search button, when user press enter key inside text input html, suppose this is my HTML

6339 1
how to check which select option group is selected using jquery

I am facing a small issue in my html/jquery code, how would i know, which option group is selected by me when i select any dropdown list value from code:-

5965 2
How to add / remove class in jQuery dynamically on click?

I am trying to create a list of anchor tags, and want to add or remove CSS class on a button click, Suppose this is my sample code

5591 0
Client side validation using jQuery Validate
This article explains, how to validate a form using Jquery validate plugin in ASP.NET MVC using Razor

5551 2
How to make a div editable on Click?

I would like to make div editable to enter contents in it and on changing content, want to call ajax to save data in back-end.

I know we can do it using Textbox, but would like to make a <div> inside <td> to make it editable when user clicks inside it.

5439 0
Making all fields of Form as Read only (Disabled) using jQuery on page load.
In this short article, I have explained how we can disable all the fields in a form using jquery on page load.
5388 3
how to scroll to div smoothly on click using jquery

I want to scroll to a div on button using jquery, which is working, but as a i was expecting, what i need here to scroll to div smothly(with animation), but it is jumping to a div directly(no animation or smotth scroll) on button click, my jquery code is

5002 3
on click not working on dynamically created element

As i know and understand that for dynamically created element, we need to write jquery function like

4726 2
confirmation box on span using jquery

I want to show confimration box to user, after user clicks on a button.
I am willing to use jquery here.

here is my demo code


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