I want to select rows from a table where Id is not equal to 4, How to achieve it using SQL query?
Something like in C# .Where(a=>a.Id != 4).ToList()
Or in SQL like Select * Where Id != 4
...One of my projects was working properly, and then I shifted it into another pc, now same code, throws the below error for some SQL queries.
SqlException: MSDTC on server is unavailable.
How should i display 1st 10 records, then next 10 records then next 10 records in sql (paging in SQL)?
And how should i display the same thing in view using see more link?
...I am getting SQL Exception when calling stored procedure in my asp.net MVC the exception is : "Could not find stored procedure"
If, we assign the rank to the column
Name. . . . . . Rank
A. . . . 1
B 2
C . . . 3
When the user adds the data, the rank is saved in DB(database).
How to update the rank in DB, when user delete the data using knockout?
On click of delete, there is one function called Remove row
And in that function table row<tr> is removed using knockout.
Example: if we delete row B its order will be, -1 as deleted item will have rank/order -1 and order/rank of c will be 2
Is, there any alternative way to reset the column value in SQL or something else?
Please, suggest me
Thank you