I am looking at this article Query in Sql server to list all stored procedures in all databases which give all stored procedures name in all database, so I would like to know SQL query to list all databases of an SQL Instance. As I would be allowing users to show list of databases in Front-end, to select and then get all stored procedures of the database.
...Hi, how can I use "ROWNUM" to delete a specific row? just ROWNUM only not ROW_NUMBER() or ROWID.
I can select specific row using ROWNUM but I cannot use it in DELETE or UPDATE operation.
Sample Query in Select Statement:
...Hello, I have one more question related to SQL query, in which I would like to know how can I get all dates between two dates using SQL Query. For example, I have start date = 10/02/2022 and end date = 14/02/2022, then query must return dates 11/02/2022, 12/02/2022 and 13/02/2022.
I am using SQL Server for this, but I think SQL query will remain the same for oracle or MySQL too.
...I need to access substring from a string using SQL, how can i achieve it in SQL server?
Suppose my string in "Hello World in C" and i want "World" from it, how can i do that using SQL query?
...Can i have example of declare table and temp table in sql ? and how the update operation can be used on it with real life scenario ?
Hello, I am still learning SQL and SQL Server, so I would like to know how can I verify or check if a column exists in the database table using SQL Query in SQL Server?