How to route a domain name to Amazon EC2 web server instance?

I am creating a new website and have purchased it's domain from GoDaddy, and i will possible host it in Amazon EC2 web server.
So i would like to know how i will attach my EC2 instance with already purchased GoDaddy domain name?

Thank you

Asked by:- jaiprakash
: 4995 At:- 6/12/2017 11:32:24 AM
aws Amazon Ec2 GoDaddy Web Hosting

2 Answers
profileImage Answered by:- vikas_jk

Thanks for asking this useful question.

First, you need to create Elastic IP on your Amazon web server console if you haven't created it yet or you can use public IP if you don't want to use Elastic IP.

Then go to our GoDaddy Account, log in and Go to Domain Name Server records, you need to place your public IP(Elastic IP) value into A-record of your DNS.

You will have three columns there

  • Host Name <- How users will get to your site (@, www, subdomain, etc)
  • Address <- where the record should point (generally the IP address of the server)
  • Record Type <- Typically this will be an A record

So you need to place your IP address(public Ip from Amazon EC2) in "Address" Column .

Using the @ symbol for your hostname will allow users to get to your site via If you want, you will have to set up another record with www as the Host Name.

For visual step by step guide check this post.

At:- 6/12/2017 3:44:18 PM

profileImage Answered by:- jaiprakash

Above answer is correct, but to make it clear, here is the step by step procedure to connect or route GoDaddy domain to an amazon ec2 server hosted website.

Create an elastic IP for the EC2 instance you are integrating.

  1. Click Allocate new address in the Elastic IPs page.
  2. Then, click Allocate in the next page.
  3. Right-click the row of the newly created elastic IP, and click Associate address.
  4. Choose the EC2 instance you are integrating.

Connect the elastic IP to your domain.

  1. Go to GoDaddy’s Domain Manager.
  2. Go to the Manage DNS of the domain you are integrating.
  3. Replace the Value of record with Type A with the elastic IP you just created.
  4. Wait for changes to reflect (This takes at least 600 seconds to reflect, depending on the TTL you specified).
  5. To check if successful, the domain should now load the EC2 instance you pointed it too.
At:- 10/7/2018 6:24:41 PM Updated at:- 10/7/2018 6:26:21 PM

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