How to check IIS version in windows server?

Hello, I have just started using Windows Server 2016 on Amazon EC2, but I am not able to check which IIS version I am using, as I would like to have Http/2 support which is starting from IIS 10 as far as I know.

So, let me know how I can check IIS version on windows server?

Asked by:- bhanu
: 3217 At:- 11/17/2021 4:06:06 PM
AWS IIS Server check IIS version

1 Answers
profileImage Answered by:- vikas_jk

You can check IIS versions below methods

1. Using GUI

You can also open IIS by clicking on "windows +R" key and type "inetmgr" and press OK.

Once IIS is opened, you can navigate to "Help" menu and click on: "About Internet Information Services".



You can open the GUI console, by navigating to below folders in Windows server


and we go to the "Help" menu and click on: "About Internet Information Services".

2. Using Powershell

Open powershell in Administrator mode and then use below command



3. Using RegEdit

You can locate IIS version by navigating to regedit location below

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ InetStp \ VersionString

The value of VersionString will indicate the IIS version installed on server.

Here are Server and IIS version

IIS version   Built-in  
5.0           Windows 2000
5.1           Windows XP Pro
6.0           Windows Server 2003
7.0           Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008
7.5           Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2
8.0           Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012
8.5           Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2
10.0 v1607    Windows Server 2016 and Windows 10.*
10.0 v1709    Windows Server 2016 v1709 and Windows 10.*
10.0 v1809    Windows Server 2019  and Windows 10.* October

That's it.

At:- 11/17/2021 4:29:24 PM Updated at:- 10/1/2022 9:21:10 AM
Thanks for the details. 0
By : bhanu - at :- 11/17/2021 4:35:10 PM

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