Rotate image using HTML and CSS

In this article, I am will be providing you working sample to rotate image using CSS in HTML using CSS property like Transform.

Hello World Visual Studio Code C# Example

In this article, I have provided step by step procedure to create hello world program in C# using Visual Studio Code and how to create new console project in it.

Useful Visual Studio Shortcuts (comment, remove comment, Collapse code etc )

In this article, I have provided many useful shortcut keyboard keys to use while coding in Visual Studio, for example shortcut to comment a code, collapse a code region, edit multiple lines etc

Convert List to Dictionary in C# (Various ways)

In this article, I have mentioned various possible methods to convert list to dictionary in C#

Change Date format in PHP

In PHP, you can change the date format using the date() function or the DateTime class.

Download AdventureWorks Database and Restore in SQL server (Step by Step)

In this article, I am going to provide steps to download AdventureWorks sample database and restore in SQL server to do sample tasks or learn SQL server with this AdventureWorks sample database.

How to read JSON data in C# (Example using Console app & ASP.NET MVC)?

In this article, I will provide you simple way to read JSON data in C# using ASP.NET MVC and Console application code sample & example to read dynamic JSON in C#.

What is .NET framework? & Understanding .NET framework architecture

In this article, I have explained what is .net framework, how we use it and for what we use .net. Article also explains about .NET framework architecture.

A Comprehensive Journey through PHP Version History (PHP 1-8)

PHP has undergone a remarkable evolution since its inception in 1994.

Visual Studio Version List

In this article, I have mentioned what is Visual Studio and about Visual Studio IDE Version list and about it's various editions.

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