Merge sort algorithm in C with Program sample

In this article, I will provide your merge sort algorithm in C with sample program and output for it.

Program for Matrix multiplication in C (With & Without pointers)

This article provide you working code sample for matrix multiplication in C using pointers and without using pointers, both ways are explained.

Difference between AddTransient, AddScoped and AddSingleton in ASP.NET Core

In this article, I have provided answer to question, what is difference between AddTransient, AddScoped and AddSingleton in ASP.NET Core

Implementing Payment Gateway in C# (ASP.NET Core MVC Razorpay Example)

In this article, I have provided working example to integrate payment gateway in C# using ASP.NET Core MVC web-application as an example.

Open and Read XML in C# (Examples using Linq, XMLReader, XMLDocument)

In this article, I have provided C# code to open and read XML file node using XMLReader or using Linq in Console application, with example of which one is fastest.

Google places autocomplete example without Map in Javascript

In this article, I have provided step by step procedure to show google places autocomplete example without map in HTML input textbox.

Limit Text After 2 Lines in CSS (Line Clamping)

In this article, I have provided various examples of showing ellipses after 2 lines of text in HTML div using CSS

Toggle switch with Text in CSS

In this article, I have mentioned how we can create toggle switch button with text using CSS only.

Window functions in sql server

In this article, I have mentioned what is window function in sql server and how to use window function in sql server with example

Change VS Code Terminal Font Size

In this article, I have mentioned how you can increase or decrease Visual Studio Code Terminal Font Size.

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