9790 0
Image control in ASP.NET (Upload Image & Display it in Image Control)
In this article, I have explained, how you can use image control in asp.net with an example and how we to show uploaded image in Image Control
11296 2
What is the visual studio 2019 download size, complete Community Edition?

I am trying to download Visual Studio 2019 Community edition for offline or Visual Studio 2022 community edition for offline, but I would like to know what is the total size for Visual Studio 2019 / 2022 Community Edition? I have downloaded 20GB of VS 2019, but it is still not complete, so I would like to know how long I will have to wait.

4260 1
How to upload file in ASP.NET without using asp file upload control?

I was trying to upload file in asp.net web-forms using File upload control which works fine, considering article example here https://qawithexperts.com/article/asp-net/file-upload-in-aspnet-web-forms-upload-control-example/273

But what if I don't want to use file upload control of web-form, so how can I upload file in asp.net without using the fileupload server control? Basically I would like to use "<input type='file' />"

7374 0
Send mail in ASP.NET (Web-Form using C#)
In this article, I have provided sample code to send email in asp.net web form using C# code, i have also provided code to send email with attachment in ASP.NET
4241 0
Using query string in ASP.NET
In this article, I have explained what is query string in asp.net and how to use query string to pass parameters or value from one form page to another web-form page.

25598 0
Bootstrap tabs with dynamic content loading in ASP.NET MVC
In this article, I will explain you how you can load dynamic content inside bootstrap tabs when user clicks on it using ASP.NET MVC, AJAX and partial views.
7770 0
Custom Error pages in ASP.NET MVC
In this article, I have explained how you can show custom errors in ASP.NET MVC web-application using web.config and Controller settings.
8785 1
Change Password in ASP.NET MVC identity, without old password?

I was trying to change password in MVC and looked at the link "How to change password in asp.net mvc" but it requires me to add Old password, which I don't want, so if I am admin user of website, I would like to change password in MVC asp.net identity without using old password, how can I achieve that?

18965 0
Import excel data in sql server database table using C# in ASP.NET MVC
In this article, I have explained, how you can import excel file data into sql server database table using C#, SqlBulkCopy in ASP.NET MVC.
5255 2
How to send Razor View as a Email with Model in ASP.NET MVC?

I am trying to send email in ASP.NET MVC, but it is not a plain HTML string, I need to convert Razor View with Model into string and then send it as a HTML content in MVC. So, How can I convert Razor view in HTML string with Model and then send it in MVC email? Thanks


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