16059 0
Styling Input type="file" button using CSS & Bootstrap
This article will help you understand how you can style input type='file' button using CSS, Bootstrap & jQuery, with various ways.
1619 1
How to right-align button inside Flex div?

How can I right align a button which is index div using CSS flex?

I cannot use float:right or posoition:absolute/relative, so please let me know how can I do this using Flex in CSS.

9356 0
Social media icons hover effect (CSS Based)
In this article, I have posted various examples available on internet which shows social media icons hover effect (css based).
9519 2
How to create CSS Bookmark ribbon horizontally with text?

hello, I would like to know how can I create css bookmark ribbon horizontally aligned with text? Here is the example screenshot


2350 2
Search form's select dropdown does not work on Apple phones

I have a search form consisting of 5 html selects, on a site which is running Bootstrap 4.1. This does not work on Apple phones, because when the visitor touches the select, the dropdown of options does not appear. This works fine on computers and android devices. Does anyone have a work around?


7753 2
How to force HTML table row to show data in single row using CSS?

How can I force HTML table row data (data inside <td>) to show it in single line instead of multiple lines using CSS, for example take a look at the below image


7257 3
How to apply a CSS to first element of class only?

I have a question, I would like to know, how can I apply a CSS to only first-child of a class, I am aware of :first-child CSS selector, but I am not able to use it.

I want to apply border-top to all the div with class "b" except the first one, here is sample HTML

5435 2
How to create bootstrap dropdown with hover animation?

I would like to create a bootstrap dropdown with hover animation, how can I create it?

My Current HTML code is as below, which is a basic drop-down menu created using Bootstrap.


1988 1
How to make bootstrap dropdown appear on hover instead of click?

I have a bootstrap dropdown on my website, it opens when a user clicks on it like this https://jsfiddle.net/od3n/8T6Vm/, now I need to show dropdown options on hover instead of click, how can I do it?


4868 1
Scroll issue in bootstrap pop-modal

I am creating bootstrap pop-up modal data dynamically on button click when the button is clicked jQuery datatable content is loaded dynamically in Bootstrap pop-up modal and it is shown as needed.

Scroll works at first, but when content is changed in jQuery datatable using filtering options, scroll in modal pop-up doesn't work.

How can I resolve this issue? is it Modal pop up issue or jQuery datatable issue


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