4116 0
Best HTML Editors for developers (Free)
In this article, I have provided list of 8+ best free HTML editors which developers can use to write HTML, CSS, Javscript Code and check output or debug it.
3958 0
How to create a login page in HTML and CSS
In this article, I have explained with sample code, how you can create a simple login form in HTML and CSS easily and quickly.
3868 1
Character encoding html not showing correct output (Â)

I am using Spanish lanuguage on our .NET MVC website, when page is loading it is not showing correct character like changing "á" into "Â", something like below image


I am already using below HTML code for settings content type with "charset=UTF-8"

3157 2
How to create download link using anchor tag in HTML?

I have a link of File created on amazon s3, now I would like to create a link to download the file inside table <td>, so How can I create download link using anchor tag <a> in HTML?

3089 0
Few essential tips for Html beginners
This article shows few important tips of html for beginners

3020 1
Horizontal scroll is not working in mobile view

I am using this code, which has width and overflow defined but when in mobile view or you can say in low resolution screen, horizontal scroll is not working, here is my current code

<div style="width:900px; overflow:scroll">

    <div class="row bs-wizard" style="border-bottom:0;">
        <div class="col-xs-2 bs-wizard-step " data-id="Order">
            <div class="text-center bs-wizard-stepnum ">Order</div>
            <div class="progress"><div class="progress-bar"></div></div>
            <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="bs-wizard-dot"></a>
            <div class="bs-wizard-info text-center">Any Details here</div>
<!--More similar code-->
        <div class="col-xs-2 bs-wizard-step " data-id="Sign Paper Work">
            <!-- complete -->
            <div class="text-center bs-wizard-stepnum">Sign Paper Work</div>
            <div class="progress"><div class="progress-bar"></div></div>
            <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="bs-wizard-dot"></a>
            <div class="bs-wizard-info text-center">Any Details here</div>
<!--More similar code-->

when in mobile view i am not able to scroll and see remaining div's here is the mobile image


2993 3
what is the difference between span and div in html?

Hello, I Would like to know what's the actual difference between <span> and <div> tags in HTML?

When we should prefer <span> and when <div>?

2892 1
How to remove default dropdown icon from Select list in HTML CSS?

Hello, I would like to remove the default arrow from the select list dropdown of below HTML, using CSS , suppose here is my sample HTML

2242 0
Change PNG image color using CSS
In this article, I have mentioned how we can change png image color using CSS in various possible ways.
1795 2
How to disable auto-complete in HTML Form input field?

Hello, I would like to know, how I can disable HTML form input field auto-complete, done by chrome and other majore browsers.



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