9544 2
How to enable JavaScript debugging in visual studio 2019 or 2017

How Can I enable Javascript debugging in Chrome using Visual Studio 2017 or 2019? I have been using Visual Studio 2017, but I am not able to debug Javascript code by placing debug in the Visual Studio Javascript code.

So, how can I achieve it and check line by line output of the Javascript code? I have checked this article ("How to debug in visual studio? ( Tutorial to debug C# code )") but it shows debugging C# code in Visual Studio.

9252 0
Email Validation using Javascript (With OR Without Regex)
In this article, I have explained about various possible methods for JavaScript email validation with regex and without regex, with example.
9113 3
Datetime Format Regex (MM/dd/yyyy) Javascript

I want to validate the date format on every keypress/keyup that the user's typed.

I've researched for what i'm trying to achieve. And I've found the solution here:


(i was referring to @bobble bubble's answered)

but the format was YYYY-mm-dd. So, I tried to reverse to the format i was looking for to (MM/dd/yyyy).

But i cant get throught with validating every press that the user's typed. What happend was its validate as whole(regex) not one by one.

I also read his explanation about non-capturing group. But still, i can't get it.


Happy Coding!

8864 1
How can i display title or label on polygons on google map?

I want to display the title or label on loctions on the google map,it works on markers,but not within polygons.

Here is my current Google maps JS Code

8758 0
Local Storage in HTML5 using Javascript (Storing-fetching objects)
This article explains about HTML5 local storage and how to use local storage in javascript (storing and retrieving objects), instead of cookies to get better security and faster results.

8321 0
Using Google maps Javascript api in HTML (Show location with Marker)
In this article, I have explained how you can use google maps JavaScript API to use it your HTML web-page with markers and text on click, to use it in contact us page.
8312 1
DataTables breaks on last “Next” or any “Previous” paginate button

I have the following DataTable which calls status_icons() function for replacing 0 & 1 values with icons.

At first results page (on initComplete) I call status_icons() for the replacement and then I make a trigger out of DataTables scope in order to have my function re-executed for next paginated results due to DataTable DOM reconstruction behavior for each pagination.

The error I get is that re-adds the status icons over the current ones when you click on the "Previous" button on any pagination or the numbered pagination boxes.

My function for replacing values with icons

8258 2
phone number validation in jQuery-javascript?

 How can i validate phone number using jquery-javascript? Suppose, i want to validate phone number for this textbox

7770 2
how to format text as a dollar currency using javascript or jquery?

I would like to format the input string in my textbox to dollar currency formatted text, so if I enter 100.00000 in it, output should be

7627 3
How to check if string contains substring using jQuery-Javascript?

I am trying to send data to front end, using Ajax call, now I am getting string like


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