Why does my vscode wont go as tree view?

I am trying to does my vscode wont go as a tree view, if the parent folder has one file (either file or sub-folder), it always append to the main folder.

Why VSCode doesn't show tree view? How do i supposed to reset this kind of behavior, it bugs me every time i see it?

like this one as an example, my sub-folder always append on each other. how do i stop this. i am planning to set up every folder i needed regardles if there a file under on it, just empty folder, so i can visualize what folder and sub-folder I need.

Asked by:- EmmanuelReal
: 4234 At:- 12/22/2019 9:29:10 AM
Visual Studio VS-Code

1 Answers
profileImage Answered by:- vikas_jk

You need to install Treeview Extension for your Visual Studio Code


Try the above link and install the extension

OR if it doesn't work, try to reset your Visual Studio Code settings, for this, go to File-> Preferences-> Settings

You can search for the setting that you want to revert back using search box.

Reference for resettings Visual Studio Code.

At:- 12/23/2019 7:17:57 AM

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