Keep Pop up Modal Opened after saving data in Ajax.BeginForm

Hi, I wanted to stay open pop-up modal (this modal is partial view) after successfully inserting data in database, I am using Ajax.BeginForm to save data with PartialView

I want to stay it open so I can insert new data without clicking the create button again and i dont want to redirect it to Index View. Please see the image below of my code, Thanks...



Asked by:- Aileereal
: 3400 At:- 7/29/2017 2:34:41 PM

Can you add code instead of images, so anyone can debug it local pc and check your issues, to give better reply 0
By : vikas_jk - at :- 7/29/2017 4:06:14 PM

1 Answers
profileImage Answered by:- vikas_jk

Please refer the article below, which will help you to keep bootstrap pop-up modal opened even after saving the details correctly.

Validate Pop Up Modal using Ajax.Beginform in C# MVC


At:- 7/30/2017 12:50:48 PM
Thank you so much, it works. 1
By : Aileereal - at :- 7/30/2017 4:20:11 PM
is there a way to reload the partial view, because if i accidentally close the popup modal with current state of error in its label. When i open it again the error in label still occurs. How can i reload it as new when i click "CreateButton" 0
By : Aileereal - at :- 8/4/2017 5:10:42 AM
you can create jQuery method, which will call the partial view of pop-up again on clicking close button accidentally/intentionally if you don't have any idea or much knowledge feel free to add a question with the title "call partial view on pop-up Modal close" 0
By : vikas_jk - at :- 8/4/2017 7:30:02 AM
okay, here's my question. 0
By : Aileereal - at :- 8/4/2017 1:36:10 PM

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