Send Emails in ASP.NET MVC using MvcMailer

In this article, I have explained how to install MVC Mailer in your ASP.NET application, set up email templates and send email using C#.

Asynchronous programming in C# and ASP.NET MVC ( With example )

In this article, I have explained about the async-await keyword in C# and how to use asynchronous programming in c#, explained with console application sample.

Implementing Google Authentication in ASP.NET MVC

In this article, I have explained step by step, how we can implement google oauth authentication using google api in ASP.NET MVC application.

Convert ASPX page to PDF in ASP.NET using iTextSharp

In this article, I have explained and showed a demo of how you can convert ASPX page into PDF using iTextSharp in your web-application.

Remote Validations in MVC (Check if Email id exists in database)

In this article, I have explained how we can use Remote validations in MVC to check if username or email id is already registered and saved in database or not while registering a user.

Search (Filter) Records in ASP.NET GridView with Textbox (Highlighting searched term)

In this article, I have explained how to search ASP.NET GridView rows to get matching rows with highlighted searched term by calling OnTextChanged event of an input box.

Download multiple files as ZIP archive in ASP.NET MVC (DotNetZip example)

In this article, I have explained how you can download files as ZIP easily using DotNetZip library in ASP.NET MVC C#.

Interface in C# (With Example)

In this article, I have explained about Interface in C#, when to use it and why do we need it with an example.

Social media icons hover effect (CSS Based)

In this article, I have posted various examples available on internet which shows social media icons hover effect (css based).

How to fix "SQL server configuration manager cannot connect to wmi provider" error?

In this article, I am going to provide your easy way to fix SQL server configuration manager cannot connect to wmi provider error.

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