C# type casting is also known as C# type conversion, or converting one type of data to another type. In C#, type casting has two forms:
Implicit casting is done automatically when passing a smaller size type to a larger size type, let take a look at an example
int myInt = 20;
double myDouble = myInt; // Automatic casting: int to double
Console.WriteLine(myInt); // Outputs 20
Console.WriteLine(myDouble); // Outputs 20
In the above example, int
is automatically converted into double
For implicit type casting, C# 3.0 also introduced the implicit typed local variable "var".
Var can only be defined in a method as a local variable. The compiler will infer its type based on the value to the right of the "=" operator., for example:
var j = 100; //implicit type casting
You can also check the type of variable using .GetType() method in C#, for example:
using System;
namespace DataTypeCSharp {
public class Program {
public static void Main(string[] args) {
var i = 10;
Console.WriteLine("Type of i is {0}",i.GetType().ToString());
var str = "Hello World";
Console.WriteLine("Type of str is {0}", str.GetType().ToString());
var d = 10.50d;
Console.WriteLine("Type of d is {0}", d.GetType().ToString());
Explicit conversions require a cast operator, basically explicit type casting is done manually by placing the type in parentheses in front of the value, for example:
double DoubleValue= 4.78;
int intValue = (int) DoubleValue; // Manual casting: double to int
Console.WriteLine(DoubleValue); // Outputs 4.78
Console.WriteLine(intValue); // Outputs 4
C# provide various type casting methods using which we can do conversions easily, if applied correctly, for example, Convert.ToBoolean, Convert.ToDouble, Convert.ToString, Convert.ToInt32 (int) and Convert.ToInt64 (long).
Here is the list of all the built-in type casting methods available in C#
Method | Description |
Convert.ToBoolean(value) | Converts a value to a Boolean value, where possible. |
Convert.ToByte(value) | Converts a value to a byte. |
Convert.ToChar(value) | Converts a value to a char. |
Convert.ToDecimal(value) | Converts a value to decimal type. |
Convert.ToDouble(value) | Converts a value type to a double type. |
Convert.ToInt16(value) | Converts a value type to a 16-bit integer. |
Convert.ToInt32(value) | Converts a type to a 32-bit integer. |
Convert.ToInt64(value) | Converts a type to a 64-bit integer. |
Convert.ToSingle(value) | Converts a type to a small floating point number. |
Convert.ToString(value) | Converts a type to a string. |
Convert.ToType(value) | Converts a type to a specified type. |
Convert.ToDatime(value) | Convert a value to datetime type value. |
using System;
namespace DatatypeConversion
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
int myInt = 100;
double myDouble = 2.25;
bool myBool = true;
Console.WriteLine(Convert.ToString(myInt)); // Convert int to string
Console.WriteLine(Convert.ToDouble(myInt)); // Convert int to double
Console.WriteLine(Convert.ToInt32(myDouble)); // Convert double to int
Console.WriteLine(Convert.ToString(myBool)); // Convert bool to string